8 February 2000
Candid Candid Camera was Alan Funt's adult version of his show for the Playboy Channel and based on his excellent 1970 feature film gem "What Do You Say to a Naked Lady" (please see my review of that film). Though this series tended to stray from the heart of the original show and that film, there is still much to praise about this series. For the most part the vignettes are not about sex. They mostly set up situations where ordinary people encounter someone who is comfortable being nude. Imagine making a wrong turn into a nudist colony and you get the idea. A man walks into an office and a closet wall collapses with a stunning (and stunned) naked woman trying to get dressed behind the fallen wall. Naked, she asks the man to help her rebuild the wall so she can finish dressing. Cute. Many of the segments feature unsuspecting people hired through a temp agency and find themselves in an environment with a nude person. A woman is asked to sit on a couch and answer the phone while her boss rides a bicycle exercise machine behind a partition (she can only see his head). When the phone call is very important and the boss must be put on the phone, he walks around the partition stark naked, apologizes, and sits down beside the woman. The young and pretty woman seems to enjoy seeing the handsome boss in his all together and is quite helpful, though noticably nervous. Cute. In another segment, an unsuspecting man is sent for an interview and is joined in the waiting room by a woman (really a Candid Camera model) who says she's also there for an interview. They are both told that if they want the job they would have to work nude. The woman confides to the man she is nervous about it, that she needs the job very badly, and what does he recommend she do. She goes away for the interview, returns naked and asks if he would accept the job too. Cute. The only drawback to this series that strays from "What Do You Say to a Naked Lady" is that the series uses Playmate type models and Alan tends to ogle them with the camera too much. One segment consists entirely of a young nude female model stretching out for a nap on a way too short couch and Alan narrating how uninhibited she is. In another, Alan asks a nude model on a couch if her breasts are real or fake, then asks if there is something that she can physically do to show him they are real such as shaking them or playing with them. Those segments I suppose were a concession Alan Funt had to make for the Playboy Channel, but his other segments go back to the formula that made him famous. A woman (Playboy centerfold to be exact) asks a man who rents horses if she can ride bareback. He brings out a horse with no saddle and she immediately strips down naked. The man asks her what's she doing and she replies "I'm riding bareback...I need to be bare to ride bareback don't I?" Of course you do he says. Cute. Wheras the Playmates tend to make the segments more sexy than they should be, the candidly shot men don't seem to represent a good cross-section of society. The candidly shot women who are put in situations with nude men fare a bit better (though most tend to shy and run away too quickly to make a good segment). All in all there are some very funny segments with gorgeous women and not very crude at all compared to most R-rated nudity. The situations have a PG-13 feel, but those bodies are definately X-rated! I guess that gives this series an R-rated average. Wholesomely sexy.
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