Some very stark, disturbing cinema
14 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers
This film, the second feature film by Erick Zonca, has a very rough, unrefined edge to it. Even more so than his first feature `The Dream Life of Angels'. The style is very similar, the loose camera, the natural settings (very French cinema) but the writing seemed to be lacking a great deal of compassion and depth that `..Dream Life..' had. At first this put me off a bit, but after some consideration of the subject matter, I think what Zonca has done is something truly unique.

In `..Dream Life..'(A wonderfully acted and written film, better all around than `The Little Thief'.) our main character and main supporting character are both female. I believe this is the reason for the film having more emotional depth. The journey of life we go on with these female characters is much more emotional motivated, and while we see that the characters are disturbed, they are by no means ignorant. The same basic ideas are present in both films, (just like in Zonca's short film `Alone') the characters are trying to find themselves, and how they fit in and try to become a part of life. But the reason `Little Thief' lacks this depth of emotion is because our main character `Esse' lacks it as well. He is totally ignorant, as are all the characters around him. Here, Zonca has created a totally dominating, masculine world. All the characters are male, and have no concern or understating of themselves emotionally. They spend their time trying to prove to each other who is strong, who has more power. So as we watch `Esse' spend his time thieving and learning how to box, we have no window into his thoughts, we just WATCH him slowly throw his life away.

So, here we have two films with very similar subject matter, even similar type of characters, but two totally different ways of telling a story. For this reason I liked `The Little Thief' and think what Zonca has done here is genuine. For what the film did lack in emotional depth on screen, it defiantly made up for it by evoking some powerful emotions from its audience members. (There is one very disturbing scene that stuck with me for a few days after, I don't want to be a spoiler, so that's all I'll say.)
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