pointless, NOT a screwball "comedy"
16 March 2004
This is obviously a chick flick and therefore not aimed at me but, even so, I cannot see that this movie serves any point whatsoever. Alicia Witt is charming but that is NOT all that a real film requires. This is a "comedy" created by Hollywood hacks who do not really respect comedy. "Let's have a normal heroine and throw ha ha hilarious eccentric characters all around her." That's not how you create comedy, it's how contemptuous people slough junk off onto us. If you enjoyed this film, you must laugh uproariously when you see people around you fall into mud puddles. I sure wish Hollywood would quit trying to market this sort of thing as comedy and come up with some new term for it. My suggestion would be "lamedy" but I don't suppose they'd go for that. While taking a walk, a little kid in the park said, "Poop," to me. If you find that hilarious, then you'll enjoy this flick.
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