Packed with so much flaws and errors, that you couldn`t hammer more into a film
23 June 2001
When I entered our living room 2 hours ago, I found my girlfriend watching an obviously cheap American movie on TV. I told her that I wasn´t too keen on watching a bad movie on a Saturday evening, and that watching bad movies can only be fun if they´re REALLY bad. She told me to sit down and enjoy. Now I can only say: hats off to her movie instinct! We laughed ourselves silly at this huge and not quite unsuccessful attempt at shooting a totally dumb, pointless, ridiculous, unrealistic "erotic thriller", packed with so much flaws and errors, that you couldn`t possibly hammer more into a film. God, this was deliciously SO NOT believable! Best moments: the romantic and senselessly repeated boat trips of the love couple, underlined with a bad country song (must be a friend of the director); the repeated interludes with the evil female character on the phone, establishing totally useless sub-plots which are either not followed,or referred to much later ; the explanation, why the main female character had headaches for years (muhahahaha!). And they didn´t even get the sex scene right, with this strap of a bra going REPEATEDLY (ya, again) on-shoulder, off-shoulder, on-shoulder, get the picture!
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