I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
15 October 2000
I have always loved Robert Altman movies, and this one lived up to my great expectations. The acting was excellent - especially Richard Gere's. What a perfect specimen of a man he is - and what a fine actor. The look on his face when he was kneeling beside the his wife in bed as the reality of her illness really sank in is some of the finest acting I have ever seen. Others have called this movie "too busy," but that's what I liked about it - it moves right along with never a dull moment. As a Texan, I had to chuckle at the portrayals of Texas women - especially the over accessorizing - what a hoot seeing Laura Dern baking while wearing six huge zebra patterned bracelets. I'm not the biggest Dern fan, but I thought she was excellent in this movie. And Farrah Fawcett looked great - we should all look so good in our 50's. Even the actresses with smaller roles were excellent. Shawne Fielding, who played the actress who says, "We're all here to see Dr. T" and then sits down showing her exasperation, was great - I sense a great beauty/comic acting ability in her - shades of the beautiful comics of the 40's. I like Helen Hunt, but I didn't think she was suitable as a love interest for Richard Gere. Her character, however, was meaningful in that she was the only women in Gere's life who could take care of herself, which seemed to baffle him. The ending is one of those that leaves you really thinking - unexpected and provoking. Hubby and I are still discussing and analyzing its meaning. I liked this movie, and I recommend it to everyone - especially mothers who over dress their little girls and Texans who can laugh at themselves.
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