J.F.K.: A One-Man Show (1984 TV Movie)
I wish I could see it again
17 August 2003
Movies about the Kennedy clan are a dime a dozen, we might as well face that. The "one man" show is a great tradition that truly tests an actor. Hal Holbrook started it with his great portrayal in Mark Twain Tonight. Other actors who have done amazingly well at these types of shows are James Whitmore in Give 'em Hell Harry and Frank Gorshin in his one man George Burns show. I always think of Mike Farrell as BJ on MASH. I couldn't picture him as JFK, but I think he did very well. He talked about playing Kennedy and said he dreaded it at first but what he thought would be a hairy experience was a great fun one. Martin Sheen will always be the actor who played Kennedy the best, but Farrell did a fine job as well. His Boston accent was passable. He even played it for laughs sometimes. He talked about his wedding to Jackie and said "it was just a simple wedding, we only had 2,000 guests" This was a very enjoyable performance by an underrated actor and I wish they would make it available on video. I write to celebrities as a hobby and got a very nice reply from Mister Farrell several years ago.
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