Review of American Women

19 July 2001
A very dissapointing film that began with so much promise. The premise was certainly there but the talent wastn´t!. Maybe the director thought we would all be laughing so much that we wouldn´t realise how awful the film was. O.K., we had some beautiful Irish scenery and some potentially wonderful characters, but the movie just didn´t gel after the first twenty minutes or so. These characters were so isolated and desperate for women that they advertised in an American newspaper for female company in their village. One guy is so frustrated that he sends off to Amsterdam for what appears to be a crateload of adult material to educate himself in the ways of the world. Nothing wrong with that, but not to know all the intricacies of the birds and the bees at his age!. And even then it wastn´t even remotely funny. I could hark on about the awfulness of this movie but I won´t bother. It really doesn´t merit comment.
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