Watch it in alone in a darkened room!
10 June 2001
This is one creepy and suspenseful movie. True, it borrows heavily from other movies (`The Shining' being one obvious example) but it still stands out as an exciting film in its own right. What lends it an even more strange atmosphere is the fact that it is hard to pinpoint where it is actually set. The old haunted house that is the focal point of the film and the surrounding landscape have a definite American feel to them – certainly in no way British or European. Yet all the cast with the exception of Amanda Plummer have very British accents. The cars also all carry British-style number plates, yet they are all left-hand drive. And although the nearby village - what little we see of it – is definitely not typically British, at the same time neither is it typically American or continental European. I have no idea whether this strange mix was intended by the film-makers or whether it arose purely by accident and lack of attention to detail. Yet for me this greatly added to the spooky atmosphere of the movie. As it is a European production, I came to the conclusion that it is supposed to be set in a make-believe, unnamed English-speaking country – a kind of fictional netherworld, but one which at the same time has a frighteningly `real' feel to it. Hard to put into words, but very effective. Not since the 60s cult TV series `The Prisoner' have I had such a feeling when watching a film. I challenge anyone to watch this movie and then go down into the cellar alone!!! A strong 7 out of 10.
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