Review of 61*

61* (2001 TV Movie)
A fine piece of work!
6 May 2001
Is it a blessing or is it a curse that, these days, any imbecile with a computer, internet access and at least one working finger can pretend to be the lowest form of life on Planet Earth -- a movie critic?

Regardless of what some of them may have you believe, "61*" is a wonderful piece of work! I highly recommend it to Yankee fans, to anyone with even an *ounce* of affection for baseball . . . and to just about anyone with a beating heart inside his or her chest. The performances are incredible, the direction is superb, and the recreation of the time and the old Yankee Stadium is astounding!

Anyone complaining that the actors/players didn't look like real players throwing a baseball needs to watch the movie again -- this time with his or her eyes open . . . or, watch a real game some time! Anyone complaining that the music (`Dream Lover, `I Like It Like That", "Dedicated To The One I Love", "Walk, Don't Run", "Hello, Mary Lou", etc.) did not capture the period needs to watch the movie again -- this time with the sound on! And, anyone complaining about holes or predictability in the "plot" needs to be informed that this was a true story that actually happened!
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