this movie is just bad
16 July 2003
Some movies are so bad they're funny. This isn't one of those. It's one of those gee I want an hour and a half of my life back kind of bad movies. People have said Universal delayed release of this film because it was too gory. I don't mind gory movies, so I decided to check this one out. Well I was surprised, when I found most of the gore in the movie was fairly tasteful by today's standards. I mean after the Evil Dead movies and Dead Alive, this looks like Mary Poppins. I think what's more likely is distribution got canned when they realized this movie was crap. Or maybe they just liked the movie better the first time they saw it when it was called the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. By the way TCM is NOT from the classic age of horror, it's from the 70s. Classic Horror is the Universal age people. Rent White Zombie (yes there is an excellent movie that Rob Zombie's band borrowed their name from) Island of Lost Souls or Bride of Frankenstein if you want classic horror. Horror films did not begin in 1970. But anyway, this movie is horribly derivative of 70s horror. The acting is bad, the sets are worse. The directing, replete with gimmicky negative photography, yellow lenses, and naked people prancing about who are not even in the movie is terrible. The writing is worse, with an incredibly simple and predictable plot, inane dialogue and an inconsistent tone as well as an unsatisfying conflict, climax and denouemont, and its not really scary either. The only decent moments in the movie are decent because they have been plagiarized, and generally involve Ms. Moon (who is actually fairly interesting despite her underwritten part). Very amateurish film that wouldn't be out at all if Rob Zombie wasn't the director. Rob Zombie should stick to making music. If you want to watch a 70s horror film rent the original item - not this. NOT RECOMMENDED at all. The only thing I found scary about this movie is the notion that it might spawn a sequel.
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