A study in taking sides, and unintended consequences
31 March 2003
Right off, I liked Michael Caine more than I liked the rest of the movie, with the exception of the man who played his assistant (Tzi Ma?) whose role, when you think about it, is fascinating.

Though Roger Ebert, whom I respect, gave it four stars, I'd be closer to three. I thought the direction was jumpy, clumsy, and even annoying. Like a snapshot photographer, the movie takes lots of pictures, but they aren't well seen.

I also thought Brendan Frazer's character was just getting interesting, when suddenly - whap, it's the end of the movie. Drat. I would have liked to have seen thirty more minutes.

But "The Quiet American" did make me think of unintended consequences, and how wars have many more surprises than any military strategist can plan. Which in light of the Iraq war is sobering indeed.

I read a report today that to encourage and train his troops, Saddam Hussein has distributed copies of "Black Hawk Down." I dearly pray that it doesn't become that.
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