Not Only Blind But Dumb Also
16 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

Cop Jack Fletcher is blinded in the field of duty and his therapist Rebecca starts becoming obsessed with him . This plot has all the hallmarks of one of those thrillers from the early 1990s about everyman characters being stalked by a nutter , but it`s not the old hat plot that destroys this movie it`s the lapses in logic and the plot holes . Take for example the scene where a hit man turns up at Jack`s house . Rebecca saves Jack`s life by sticking a kitchen knife into the hit man , Jack can hear what`s going but being blind he can`t see what`s happening which means when he mentions this to people they think he`s deluded , but if you stab someone won`t there be blood everywhere ? It takes some swallowing that Rebecca can drag a body all the way to her car without anyone noticing . There`s also no explanation that the hit man knew where Jack lived either , in fact there`s several instances where characters arrive at another character`s house even though it`s very unlikely that they would know where the character lived . This is most obvious at the end where Jack`s cop buddy Harrison finds a knife used as a murder weapon and drives straight to Rebecca`s house which led me to ask a ) What makes him think Rebecca is implicated ? and b ) how would he know where Rebecca lives ?

So as you can guess I didn`t enjoy this illogical and predictable thriller . The only real surprise at the end was that Rebecca and Bedelia were indeed sisters and not as I was expecting the one and the same metaphysical entity
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