Rental worthy
7 February 2002
After being invited to a screening, I was pleasantly surprised to have some Canadian content to watch. A really great looking star to oggle, a lot of inside Canadian jokes, and a nekkid cliff jumping session more than made up for the length of time it took to fill out the survey afterwards.

In Canadian culture (particularly that in Northern Ontario), curling is the sport of the Gods, and Mr. Gross depicted the competetive nature of it perfectly.

Despite gratuitous beaver shots (furry flat-tailed creatures which you can find on Canadian nickels)and the somewhat confusing love interest, the overall tone of the movie is extremely uplifting.

Leslie Neilsen doesn't do as much typical Leslie Neilsen stuff as one might expect, and his portrayal of an aging hippie is a little hard to take after seeing the Naked Gun movies of his slapstick past, but he nonetheless does a good job of it I guess...I've never met an aging hippie.

The film revolves around a curling team which was dissolved after a bitter argument when a coveted trophy was lost to an opposing team, but is forced to re-unite after their coach passes away in a bizarre stone recovery operation with his daughter (nope...not explaining that...go see the movie). For his final wish, he wants the team to get back together and win that trophy.

Heavy training, self-revelations from the team members and a classic dry-humour scene in the bar made the entire test-group fall off their seats in laughter.

If I hadn't been given the free ticket though, the only draw would have been to see Paul Gross, but although I wouldn't pay money to go and see it again, it's definately a Saturday night rental to watch with my sisters.
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