A Broom not to View
9 March 2002
Cheap laughs abound in this movie. Coupled with an overriding lack of believability it amounts to a pretty BIG disappointment.

By the time the seriously flawed ending arrived, I found myself not caring who won the curling match or which girl Paul Gross wrapped his arm around.

The subplot involving Paul Gross' former flame being an astronaut was a waste of time and added nothing to the film. Perhaps it might of worked better if she had been orbiting the earth while the movie was being shot.

Paul Outerbridge reminded me of a low rent William Hurt circa The Big Chill.

Jed Rees seems to play the same character he plays on The Chris Isaak Show. But please, showing him at a sperm bank about to donate?

Leslie Nielsen always adds something to a movie, but has precious little to work with here. The scene where he 'introduces' himself to a cow bordered on pathetic.

The script needed four or five more rewrites at least. After the fifth rewrite they should of thrown it away and started over.

I'm not saying this film is a national embarrassment, but it's close. If Atlantis is going to promote this movie like it's the Canadian equivalent of 'Lord of the Rings' shouldn't they first make sure it's a good film?

Out of ten this movie rates a solid two rocks. The other eight rocks exploded.
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