Sweet, funny, silly
23 September 2002
Okay, 'high art' it's not, but it *is* fun. Based on other comments I'd heard, I had extremely low expectations for this film and was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Yeah, so the humor is a little more on the "British" side than I normally enjoy, but what makes this film is the characters, and the solid performances by the outstanding cast. Selling this film as about curling is selling it short, it's about people, the rocks are just the hook. If you're offended by profanity, sex, or slapstick you may want to give it a miss, but if you're looking for a romantic comedy that's a little on the quirky side, and warmhearted without being saccharine, it's definitely worth the time and effort to see it. And effort it may be-- since the US release is bizarrely haphazard and under-advertised(I believe it was released in Denver CO, Scottsdale AZ, Arlington VA, Chicago IL, and Cleveland OH, and in some of those places it didn't even get newspaper ads!). Oh, and the soundtrack is fabulous.
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