basically worthless
6 November 2002
I remember hearing about this movie when it was in production and tucking the information away, because it sounded like it might be spiffy--Leslie Nielson, curling, Canadians... yup, sounds spiffy.

So when I was at the video store last night and I saw it sitting on the shelf, that information I'd stored away came hippety-hopping out of wherever it had been tucked, and I went, "Ooh!" and I rented it and was all happy-like and had expectations of spiffiness.

And then it blew.

First of all, what was up with all the humping? Who'da thunk a movie about curling would have so much sex? I wanted to press my nose up against the TV screen and tell the writers in a very slow and patient voice, "Guys, humping just isn't that funny." Okay so the *word* is kind of funny. If you say it over and over again in a really perky voice and let your eyes go kinda blank, that's sort of funny. But people humping every other scene? Eh, not so funny. Farting, old people who swear and/or are randy, dogs humping, poop, and people humping, these just aren't that funny. Given, this movie only gave in to one of those not-so-comedic pitfalls. Oh no wait, there's a scene with a cow farting and pooping, too. Okay but really, aside from the humping, it wasn't a *dumb* movie. Maybe that's why it ended up being so un-spiffy. The cast was good, the chemistry between everyone was good... it just... wasn't... funny. It's a bummer to see a smart movie with a good cast just meander along in the land of mediocrity. Not to mention it's a bummer to have curling and humping inextricably linked in my mind now.
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