The Majestic (2001)
A really unappreciated gem.
10 July 2003
Like "It's A Wonderful Life", The Majestic did not do well in the box office, but I wouldn't be surprised if it became a regular classic over the years just like Capra's.

To call it "Capra-Corn" to me is a real complement seeing how such films always comes with a lot of heart and address real, honest-to-goodness values. No, we don't have to go racing off to some small faraway town to find it, because it can be found anywhere where you can find a good heart.

However, it's still a sweet story.

RE: Jim Carrey. When I originally saw the film when it came out I was not so impressed. I couldn't buy Jim Carrey in the role and the issues about what is a contract, etc. seemed a bit obscure (perhaps a bit too cerebral for most movie-goers). Perhaps most movie-goers are a bit too cynical about life at this point to really latch onto a sentimental piece like this.

However, time and experience has a way of convincing us of talent and I believe that seeing it again after a year or two has lent more leeway to the performance, making it more acceptable.

RE: Laurie Holden. Is she wonderful or what? I was really stunned by her beauty and grace. She plays the sweet, vulnerable home town girl so well. I really look forward to seeing more of her on the big screen. It is so easy to fall for characters with such principles and heart, and she pulls it off so well. A real talent. One word: Wow! :D

RE: Martin Landau. Is he great or what? What a sweet, sweet performance. So genuine. I'm glad he's still acting. I remember first watching him in Space 1999, and always hoped they'd make a remake of the show, however, I'm just happy to see him performing on the screen. What a great, great actor. So much heart.

RE: Raiders of the Lost Ark Idol. I laughed when I saw this. I guess Darabont and Spielberg must have had a good chuckle when they used it.

RE: Bruce Campbell. Is this guy under-utilized or what? I think it was a wonderful choice to have Campbell, king of modern B-movies such as "Army of Darkness" in an old fashioned B-movie like the one Tom Appleton has written.

RE: Amanda Detmer. Is she adorable or what? And why aren't we seeing more of her on screen as well? She should have more roles that show her spunk.

RE: The SHAWSHANK GANG Seeing Jeffrey DeMunn and James Whitmore in the film was great. I love seeing these guys performing. It seemed like a Shawshank reunion and it's always nice to see great actors work.

I was also glad to see David Ogden Stiers and Ron Rifkin, both of whom can do no wrong in my book.

In closing, I'm glad that HBO has been running "The Majestic" over and over again. In a lot of ways post-9/11 this is the kind of movie that we always need when things get bad. It's a story about having faith in oneself and one's community. And those kind of stories never go out of style.
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