Tadpole (2002)
smart, funny film with a big heart
23 May 2003
Easily one of the best films of last year. Great acting, direction, blocking, smart script and good use of DV, too. Occasionally, though colors appear streaky when camera pans or tilts quickly, but that's more a restriction of the medium. Blocking in the movie is spectacular ie: right after Oscar reveals his crush to eve and we cut to the use of the table and doorway as divisive elements, and others. Terrific acting, especially by Neuworth. The use of Voltaire to provide chapter headings which separating the very episodic story is quite humorous and insightful. To those who find this use of "words" cloying, you're probably illiterate. The script is spectacularly good and witty, though if you're not from NYC, you'll probably miss some of the best jokes as well as what is probably the most honest depiction of NYC on film (or DV) in recent memory. To anyone who complains about the themes - it's a MOVIE, meaning it's not real. There's a thing called willing suspension of disbelief that one engages in when watching a film. Get used to it. It says what its about on the box, if you don't like that, don't buy or rent it. If you aren't a member of the moral majority however, prepare yourself for a fantastic film.
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