a hard hitting and extremely moving film
11 September 2004
One of the most moving and hard hitting films I have seen in a long while. It deals with issues very rarely brought to the film going audience. The topic of abuse is the thread that holds the screen play together, and it is an issue that is used without it being sugar coated for the audience. At times I felt that I should not be watching; I felt that I was trespassing on something private and unseen.

Though the camera work is shaky and the film so dark as to seem almost black and white this adds and I believe does not detract from the overall message.

'My Brother Tom' is neither enjoyable or entertaining to watch. Rotheroe does the same as Tim Roth does in 'The War Zone'; he broaches issues that deserve a representation in celluloid. I recommend strongly that you see this film but do not expect an easy movie experience, instead expect to shocked by realities that you would rather less confront.
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