Two Against Time (2002 TV Movie)
To Baldly Go......
10 September 2004
Switching around channels to find a movie to help me sleep I had a choice between this one and "Ghost Cat"; assuming 'Two Against Time' might be a time travel adventure I opted for it: wrong choice.

As meritable as it might be to portray a story about a mother and daughter both diagnosed with cancer, which is the storyline here, I found the movie unconvincing and bland.

Quite apart from the irritating portrayal of a spoilt brat kid and her domineering mother which is later redeemed by their illnesses,this movie does a gross dis-service to people really suffering from cancer, since its'true pain and the pain of its treatment is almost non-existent in the film.

The do-gooder film-makers and actors seem to think that by showing bald headed women we are someone going to be shocked, but all this does is make a mockery of people who are really suffering.

"Ghost Cat"-which I have now seen, is far more honest!

2 out of 10.
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