I tried not to like it….
3 May 2002
Life, or Something Like It. Dumb title if you ask me. Angelina Jolie as a blond? I don't think so. Ed Burns as the love interest? Sounds like a chick-flick or ‘something like it.' All this needed was Greg Kinnear and I think we'd have something like ‘Someone Like You', right? Well not exactly. Although this movie was obviously aimed at the female crowd and used just about every chick-flick cliché under the sun, there was more here than I expected. I found this movie very predictable for the most part but the characters are so engaging (especially Jolie's) that you find yourself getting wrapped up in them and the story that surrounds them. The thing that stood out for me where a couple of scenes that had the audience so quite you could have heard a pin drop. One was when Angelina Jolie's character asks her fiancé what it is between them that dictates they should be together. Utter silence. The theater, in anticipation of what lame answer is about to spew forth from her jock boyfriend, was silent. The other was when Angelina's character is interviewing Stockard Channing's. Again total silence from the crowd. Those two moments in the movie made it worth while for me. The rest is just as you would expect. I didn't find any above caliber performances here, just the really good ones you'd expect from this cast. You wont see this one on Oscar night but I thought it was worth the ticket price and it didn't feel like a waste of time. That's my take. What's yours?
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