There was something missing here!
23 May 2002
What would you do if you knew you only had one week to live even though you felt totally healthy? I will tell you what I would not do- I would not see the movie `Life or Something Like It' or any other film that is something like it. I say this statement to the lifeless unimaginative writers who should have revived the movie's dialogue with more creative energy. Angelina Jolie plays a bumbling reporter who is informed by a bum prophet that she has one week to live. Jolie's character observes that the prophet is perfect with all his predictions then she becomes fearful of dying or something like that (at this point, I needed some strong coffee to wake me up or some other strong stimulant like it). Edward Burns co-stars as the sarcastic cameraman who clashes then romances our lady protagonist. As big as an Eddie fan that I am, the character he plays in this film is the same old stereotypical one he plays in his own directed films. Eddie! This type of character is great in your movies, but do not `overburn' it in other director's movies. I do have to say that what did satisfy me about `Life or Something Like It' was a funtastic and energetic scene where our delirious semi-stoned (or something like that) reporter is covering a bus strike story and ends up leading all the strikers in singing along to the Stones' classic ` I Can't Get No Satisfaction'. It will not kill you to see `Life or Something Like It', but then again you could see another romantic comedy that is a bit more original and nothing like it. *** Average
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