Review of Hulk

Hulk (2003)
The Hulk – 13th July 2003 – Most imaginative super hero film ever
16 May 2004
Yep, its true. Maybe I'm a sucker for the stylish split screens, or maybe I just like to see the Hulk jumping around canyons. This my friends, is one heck of a movie. Before it came out, most of the talk was about the CGI, namely that of the Hulk. Well, ILM have excelled themselves, in fact, the main player is all CGI and from the first minutes he's on there you sorta forget that. You believe he's a real character and there's lots of genuinely touching moments in this film. Interesting to see that most of the Humans in this movie are angry, adrenaline driven monsters whereas the Hulk is fairly timid. He just wants to get at those people who are attacking the ones he loves the most. A paradox that was evident in the TV show and one that's been successfully replicated in this movie. I loved the use of Split screens too. For once they were used in a movie and they actually made sense. It makes you believe you're watching a real life comic book. When the Hulk first makes his entrance I thought the action scenes were OK but thought maybe Ang Lee nailed the character side of the movie but the action might be sorely lacking. Mid Way through the genuinely terrifying dog scene those fears were quickly dispelled. This guy can do action and take it to the extreme. Anyone worrying that this film would have no humour and be 100% straight as a dye will have their worries dispelled too…from a certain point of view. You see, this is the genius of this film. The humour is in the vein of The Royal Tennenbaums. It doesn't give you a musical cue to laugh, neither does the director throw a joke in your face. The scene where Banner has a table full of food was great. Also the scene where the Hulk is having it out in the desert and we see two army personnel duck. Not to mention the 'he's stole my rocket line' pure fun moments in the heat of battle. Superman The Movie for me is the perfect comic book film, its probably my favourite film of all time and whilst super heroes have been flying onto the big screen recently with an unrelenting ferocity STM is still on that pedestal high in the sky above all those pretenders. The closest are two films I love, Spiderman and the first X-Men. But now Ang Lee and ILM have crafted a film which is so good, its joined STM up there in the 'best super hero ever' movies pedestal that adjourns the comic book skyline. Whilst its not better its not far behind at all. Id prefer to see new movies based on The Hulk that's for sure.
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