Review of Jakarta

Jakarta (2000)
Surprising twists at every turn
20 September 2001
During the first 20 minutes of watching Jakarta, I was disappointed. It seemed like it was going to be a typical gangster/hostage film. Three sets of thieves plan to rob a bank. The robbery seems to go horribly wrong. But then, slowly--through flashbacks, the director reveals that the movie you think you are watching is totally different from what you are watching. It was a pleasure to be watching a film and thinking about each action, trying to find hidden meanings and connections rather than just having everything handed to me. It was a nice change to have a film, especially of this genre, treat the audience as intelligent adults. The criminals plots and counterplots will keep you guessing and the outcome is brilliant. The entire cast does an admirable job especially Lim Chang Jung. If you are looking for something a little different, give this a try. Your patience through the first part will be well rewarded.
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