Virtua Fighter 4 (2002 Video Game)
6 April 2003
STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

I haven't played the other three VF games,but on the basis of this ,I'm beginning to wonder what gaming pleasures I may have missed out on.As you work your way through each level,playfully using each fighting move allocated to your chosen player by making full use of all the buttons on the joypad,you become even more determined to fight your way to the end,a horizon that becomes ever more acheivable with the seemingly endless number of continues you are given (provided,of course,you don't wait 10 seconds).You begin with the styflingly easy Lion Rafale,whom,frankly,knocking out a crash test dummy would be a harder challenge to.This does,however,get you started and enables you to move on to the harder players,such as the incredibly good Jacky Bryant,right up to the master Akira,and,finally,onto the seemingly impossible Dural,a non-human,T-1000-from-Terminator-2 like thingie whom you only get one shot with.The best fighter,I find,is Lei Fei (to date,the only player with whom I've beaten Dural),who,ironically,is the second easiest player on the levels.But the fighter I always prefer to play,is Sarah Bryant,a foxy fighting chick who,if she isn't the best fighter out the lot of them,is certainly the best looking.Sure,not much brain power is required with it,but it soon becomes great fun,which is ultimately what great video games are all about.****
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