extremely disappointing ...
16 January 2002
i watched bollywood calling with a huge level of anticipation and expectation. after his brilliant debut film, hyderabad blues, this was supposed to be a return to roots for nagesh kukunoor and a movie in a similar style. the intention was there, but the effectiveness was definitely missing.

where hyderabad blues succeeded in making the viewer totally identify with the protagonist, b.c fails. the spoofs on bollywood are way too cliched and the same have been done many times better in local theatre and on the small screen. furthermore, quite often b.b itself descends into the style that it attempts to parody. a disasterous effort.om puri stands out with some terrific performance, but the lead actor pat cusick is totally clueless, his acting is woodenfaced and silly. bollywood calling is sadly a disappointment and the attempted cliches just dont click.

the movie fails to generate more than a couple of laughs and sadly those scenes were already shown in the trailers. almost everybody who i saw it with was disappointed. the b-grade low budget touch that came off wonderfully in h.b totally fails here and the ridiculous production values are just plain annoying.

we expected more nagesh.

a disappointing 4!!
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