It stinks, it stinks, it stinks
22 September 2002
Did I mention this movie stinks. My apologies if I am being arrogant to other reviewers, but if you found anything redeeming in this movie, you were not watching the same crapfest I saw. Lets see, what would be a good formula for an action movie. Incomprehensible and totally unmotivated Antonio Banderas + stone faced psycho killer Lucy Liu + non-stop explosions and gunfire + the most jumbled up, idiotic, and unresolved plot ever + a soundtrack that is all techno and actually frequently says things like "go go go go" during action scenes + some of the most ridiculous looking stunts ever caught on film = GARBAGE!!!!!

Oh and lets not forget the touching moment when Ecks (Banderas) is reunited with his wife just as the movie is having its most poignant moment. She was staring at a manatee in an aquarium. Then he shows up, they hug, we go to slow mo and some intelligence patronizing flashbacks and dialogue, and boom we understand the brilliance of the film. No, no no. This movie fails on every level on cinema. 1 is the only correct rating for this film, but this is America and we're entitled to opinions so if you gave it a 2, I guess thats ok too.
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