Review of Riverworld

Riverworld (2003 TV Movie)
Utterly appalling adaptation.
20 May 2003
When I wrote my IMDb review of the TV film IT 'adapted' from Stephen King's magnificent novel, my 'one line summary' was: 'The worst book/film translation ever?'

I wrote that because, at the time, I believed it *was* the worst adaptation I had ever witnessed.

But now I find I have to review and redefine what I think about poor adaptations because, surely, THIS one is the worst ever.


I gave this movie every chance. I watched it (*suffered* it, more like) in the hope that at some point it would begin to bear more resemblance to Farmer's brilliant series of novels other than that there was a river in the movie, other than there was a boat, an alien, a Neanderthal type, a blonde (*BLONDE?!?*) Alice Hargreaves . . .

But I watched only to be increasingly disappointed.

I do so hope that when someone decides to adapt Arthur C. Clarke's *Rama Saga* for the big (or little) screen that it's not the Sci-Fi Channel who get the rights because if this adaptation of *Riverworld* is the general way they go about translating book to screen, I'll . . . well, I don't know - it doesn't bare thinking about.

My IMDb vote for this appalling adaptation is 1 out of 10. And I voted that ONLY because 0 (zero) isn't available.

My advice to anyone considering watching this movie is GIVE IT A MISS!
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