No real surprises ...
24 December 2002
but that doesn't make this a bad film -- it is a typical romantic comedy and should be viewed with that in mind.

Sandra Bullock seems to have found her forte in comedy – this small movie with an obviously large budget was produced by her and has many of the same elements of her other hit production `Miss Congeniality' – including the same writer: Marc Lawrence (who also directed this time around).

Since the character that Hugh Grant plays is multi-millionaire there would be an obvious need for expensive production values: the beautiful apartment in New York City, limousines and a private helicopter. However, they do not overwhelm – they are there because they should be.

It is nice the Sandra Bullock's character is not in awe of all the trappings of the ultra-wealthy but instead falls for the man and not the money.

This is Sandra and Hugh's film – they are in every scene and mostly together. However the film could probably have used another comic foil along the lines of Michael Caine's ‘Mr Vic' in `Miss Congeniality' to relieve the pressure a bit.

The music was especially good – with old standards being re-recorded and used extremely effectively.

Ms Bullock and Mr Grant do have good screen chemistry together – not as great as William Powell and Myrna Loy in the `Thin Man' films or Tracy and Hepburn in their many films together – but it does work and since this is their first outing together maybe the chemistry will continue to grow if they make more films together.
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