horribly boring film
25 June 2003
This is a horribly boring and morally sententious film. It reminds me of a really awful frank capra film with Jim Carrey ad-libbing gags. Personally, I really like Carrey (I think ace ventura is some of the best physical acting ever and adore that film) but he doesn't have much to work with here. This movie is just not funny and even Carrey's way over the top performance (in a part for which he is somewhat miscast)can't save this dud. The message of the film, which is essentially know your place and believe in higher powers since they know what's best for is undeniably fascist and ignores centuries of discourse on theodicy as well. There are so many theological plotholes its staggering, but granted it's only a film. I probably wouldn't have had the time to notice the inconsistencies if the movie wasn't so BORING. Horribly written with saccharine dialogue and an ending that made me want to gag, poorly edited (most of the shots and sequences with gags run too long) and no chemistry between carrey and aniston. Not recommended at all. One or two funny gags do not a film make. The only funny scenes in this film were already in the trailer. Bruce in the film might be divine but Bruce Almighty is very flawed
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