Stylish. Classy. Clever.
18 June 2003
No one can play a slimy character as well as Edward Norton and he pulls this heist off better than ever before – he is able to make the viewer admire him and even envy him, yet be utterly happy that they are NOT him.

This re-make of the 1969 film of the same name with Michael Caine and Noel Coward is far superior to the original – rare in this day of endless copies and re-makes.

Mark Wahlberg plays the character that Michael Caine originally acted – and while Wahlberg is certainly not an actor of the same ilk as Caine is he is certainly more entertaining in this role than Mr. Caine was. He is written as intelligent, witty, charming and, even though Michael Caine epitomizes class, far more elegant and sophisticated than Mr. Caine was able to achieve in the initial film; kudos to Mr. Wahlberg.

Charlize Theron is what I would want Cameron Diaz to be if I were ever lucky enough to wake up next to her – sexy, intelligent and just immoral enough to make her a truly fun romp. I totally approve.

The supporting cast of crooks (Mos Def, Seth Green (!), Jason Statham and a woefully brief appearance by Donald Sutherland) is just delightfully fiendish enough to completely inveigle and entice the viewer to be completely caught up in their wicked, wicked ways.

Whenever a film starts with a catchy and compelling opening sequence I am always wary – all too often it is a way of hiding the woefully inadequate film that is to come. Fortunately, even though `The Italian Job' started out on a high note, this time it did not let me down. It started cleverly and did not disappoint.

The sound track was an absolute delight – hitting all the right elemental notes in all the right places – with themes that the viewer will recognize (in all the proper spots) mixed with new music that was completely appropriate to the action on the screen.

Action is the key word. This was a film full of encounters and excitement – with never a slow moment or a let down.

The use of the Minis as get away cars was a stroke of genius – where many screen writers or directors would have used a car a la James Bond the utilization of the not-so-exciting Minis gave an enormous sense of fun and exhilaration to the chase scenes.

`The Italian Job' is the best time I have had at the movies so far this year and I highly recommend it to any and everyone that is looking for a good time replete with action, humour, romance and wit.
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