Review of Hack

Hack (2002–2004)
Action, comedy, suspense=great show
4 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Hack is my favorite show of the new season. I would go further than that and say- it is now one of my favorite shows period. Mike Olshanksy is a former cop turned cabbie turned semi vigilante for justice. He was fired after he and his partner took 8 grand from 40 grand they recovered (atleast, I think he said it was $40k.) It was no big deal...they deserved it for doing their job, for taking a bullet, for being good cops and good men. Some missing money was no big deal. In reality, I agree...these guys aren't saints, but they're not exactly sinners of the highest level either. Olshansky gets caught with the money, his partner doesn't. So, now he is a cab driver, trying to drive his cab to make money. He has lost his job, is facing a felony charge, and was kicked out of his house, where he has a wife (maybe ex?) and a son it seems (they're not really totally clear on that.)

Olshansky, not even planning on it, finds himself in the middle of some heavy stuff in the first episode, and even heavier stuff in the second episode. He has become sort of a vigilante, even tho he seems to be somewhat reluctant. He does miss being a cop tho, so maybe he's not as reluctant as he acts. With the help of his former partner, he is fighting crime without being a cop...using tactics that a cop couldn't use. He doesn't need a search warrant, he mentions at one point...just don't arrest him for B and E.

Mike proves he is a decent man. He has a close relationship with a local priest, who isn't perfect himself. Deep down, he's got a heart, he's a very likeable character. You care about him, and you care about what happens to him. That works for this show...and it works big. You want more than anything for Mike to get his job back, tho we know he never we root for him when he's fighting bad guys on the street as a part time cabbie part time hero. Mike's partner, who I believer starred in another cop show in the 90's is really good too. We care about him as well.

The show takes place in Philly, and we get a lot of gorgeous shots of the city. I have never been there, but after watching the show, I feel as tho I have. We get to see the good parts of the city and the bad...even tho I have no idea if we're really seeing Philly or some area in California that doubles as Philly. Who knows. The series has a really good look to it. Very professional, very big budget looking. The direction is tight, we feel as tho we're in the cab with Mike, fighting crime with's right on the money.

The show is full of action, but it is also full of cool detective stuff, it's full of laughs (every now and then), and it is full of can't help but care about what happens to all the characters- even the crooked ones who sell taxi cabs that aren't theirs to sell. Hack is a great show, and I hope that it stays on the air for a long time. I'd hate to miss out on Olshansky's life.
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