Review of The Missing

The Missing (I) (2003)
Much better than the trailers
25 February 2004
After watching the TV trailers, I didn't think I'd like this movie. It was advertised as a "supernatural western." I didn't think it was THAT supernatural. It was just a good, exciting western. Tommy Lee Jones' performance was toned down. This matched his character. Cate Blanchett played a pioneer doctor. She was very believable and mastered a pioneer American accent. Infinitly superior to the cartoon roles for women you usually see from Hollywood like Sharon Stone's performance in her western (forgot the title; it was pretty bad). The second disk of the DVD was crammed with extras. I only had time to see about half of them. This was not Ron Howard's best movie. But, it was good enough to recommend. I give it 3 starts out of four.
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