Review of I, Robot

I, Robot (2004)
Quite good and not as irreverent as one might have thought
13 August 2004
What impressed me about the movie (and I won't regurgitate the story, because I think you all know it by now) was that it was *not* based on Asimov's work. It would have been more effective, I think, if it had not used his universe for the story but the story itself was very good. In fact, the weak point was the inclusion of the three laws. The three laws made the story impossible if you think about it.

That aside, the movie was beautifully shot, the effects were extremely well done and "bullet time" was used effectively *to show us what happened* not only because it's a cool effect. Now, some of the impossible crane shots in the final fight scenes were very cool, but made me just a teeny bit nauseous.

No doubt this movie is worth the cost of admission, I'd recommend it to anyone. I think the ladies will appreciate Mr. Smith, who certainly doesn't seem to be ashamed of his physique, and the guys will love the cool robots and all the action, there certainly is plenty. For us cerebral movie-goers, some suspension of disbelief is required but not so much that the movie can't be enjoyed fully.
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