Tru Calling (2003–2005)
eliza made a great choice by choosing TRU!
20 May 2004
Rather than going with a FAITH SPIN-OFF, Eliza Dushku wanted to do something different, and play a different kind of role. And what a great decision it was! I have never been a BUFFY FAN or an Angel fan, but have always been an Eliza Dushku fan. With Tru calling, Eliza gets to play something that she never usually plays. " A GOOD CHARACTER." Tru goes back in time to save the lives of those who were not meant to die. Her mother died when she was little. Her relationship with her brother is very strong and unique. You don't see that with many bro-sis relationships. The whole cast is amazing. Tru- an amazing person, Harrison- a cool funny guy, Lindsay- her caring and clueless best friend, Davis- her creepy but friendly boss, and Luc- her adorable former boyfriend. Then there is Jack! The mysterious handsome guy comes along, and then BAM! secrets arise and now we know that Jack is Tru's sworn Nemesis ( her polar opposite ). Jason priestley ( JACK ) has brought so much to the show and it is headed in an exciting and new direction. We now have a season 2, and us fans are excited to see what becomes of jack, Tru, and Tru's father ( whom we now know had the power to relive days just like tru and her mom ). Hope this show stays around for a long long time. Although the show is sometimes dark, it also has a little comedy, drama, and suspense all in one! All in all and excellent show. Good luck with the show Eliza and the rest of the cast! DO not let the "FAITH HOPEFULS" bring you down. Just know you did the right thing by choosing tru calling over the faith spin-off. Here's to many many more seasons of tru calling!! Thank you for giving us this awesome show FOX!
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