Like watching a live action Japaneese video game
25 May 2003
Only from Japan could something like MXC come from. Originally called Takashi's Castle, the show featured people dressed up weirdly doing all sorts of odd events. I haven't seen the original, but I don't know if there is a winner to this thing. TNN (soon to be called Spike TV) bought the episodes of this show and overdubbed it with outlandish and hilarious dialog. The dialog goes with the spirit of the show. In the new version, there are two teams of people that go against each other (ex. Cops vs. cons, Meat factory workers vs. voice over artists). Some of the games are downright silly, but I think that is the point. The new dialog can also get racy.

Somehow, this triggered a memory. Years ago, I believe CBS tried to reduplicate the original show. They result was an unsold pilot called Storming The Castle. It was hosted by Michael Burger and burned off during the summer (when most pilots were burned off). There was even a phony audience/laugh track thrown in for good mesure. Now I don't know if they got the idea from this show, but they seemed closely related with one another. The only difference is the CBS pilot was dumbed down.

This is a fun show and will fit perfectly into Spike TVs new schedule. Check it out.
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