Eating Out (I) (2004)
Finally, a campy queer film that's not afraid to be funny
26 June 2004
Having seen numerous 'funny' or supposedly funny queer films over the years, I have begun to believe that the gay romantic comedy was doomed.

While films like TRICK and others of its nature are pretty, much like cotton candy at the state fair, it's pretty but eventually it makes you kind of sick.

Imagine my joy and complete surprise when I saw EATING OUT. Warned in advance that it was a queer take on the college sex comedy ala PORKY'S and ANIMAL HOUSE, I was concerned that it was going to be another one of those good faith efforts that falls far too flat, BUT NO!

The cast was brilliant, carrying off incredibly witty and sharp dialog that snapped harder than Rupaul. With characters that had big personalities to carry, it is impressive that no one delved into cartoonish behavior or stereotypes. And as for any haters that have trouble with some of the non-pc language, let me remind you that the bland and non-offensive is rarely funny (see Chris Rock, Richard Pryor, Bernie Mac, etc for examples)

I have not laughed harder or enjoyed a film more since the first PULP FICTION (in a completely different way) and I cannot wait to see what Q.Allan Brocka brings to the big screen next.

This is the perfect date movie, friend movie, or rent it at home and eat popcorn kind of movie. Completely entertaining and worth far more than the usual admission. Anecdote - at the screening I attended that sold out show received a standing ovation, 1400 fans can't be wrong!
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