17 July 2004
I recently watched this film and have to be honest. I bought it because Dean Cain was playing a part in it. I live in the UK and had not heard much about Scott Peterson or what he was being accused of. My main reason for commenting on the film is the fact that seeing as this film is based on a sad true story (or should I say speculated from the writers and medias point of view)that Dean Cain played his part of Scott extremely well. It would of been a much better film had the trial been over so the ending would of been more understanding. As I didn't know much about the case I was asking myself what happened, was he guilty or innocent. I am writing this dated July 17th 2004 and I'm still not sure if Scott Peterson has had his trial. Although I don't think so as I'm sure it would be on the UK news channels as well. I'm also quite upset that the writer's didn't include in the film all the facts relating to the case. The fact that another pregnant woman was found on the same beach about a mile away should of been included. And the fact that the police didn't seem interested in the old lady who was pretty sure she seen Laci in the town with the dog, it's as if they wanted him to be guilty and didn't care if he wasn't. Also anyone who is being hounded by the press is going to try and disguise themselves (I know I would), I also heard that just because they found Laci's hair on her boat (yes I said her boat) there using this as evidence as well, but if it's her boat there's bound to be her hair on it. This seems a little extreme to me as if they are clutching at straws or something. It is a very good story in it's self and one which could've had a better ending but I for one did enjoy it but it wasn't what I expected to see. I actually thought the film was going to show Laci and Scott together to see just how well they did get on. After all he was being classed as the perfect husband. I hope I've not offended anyone with my comments, this was not my intention. I just wanted to comment on Dean Cain's superior acting skills. I'm sure everyone agrees.

From Tracey (Dean Cain fan)
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