Review of 11:11

11:11 (2004)
Chilling, effective but somehow unsatisfying
13 August 2004
There usually is a plot summary here, so I'll skip it.

I thought the movie was very effective. I found it scary and actually got chills at one point. But somehow the story didn't feel real, you never got sucked into the film. Perhaps partly because of some of the acting was awful (like the professor), but also because the prophecies used in the film did not seem to have any consistency to them, they just seemed like random events.

Of course, it could just be my own skepticism at anything that has to do with dates, since dates are inherently arbitrary. There is no magic to dates. But let's not get into that discussion.

All in all, I thought that most of the acting was very good. The story line had a good arc to it, though the end to me seemed unfinished. I see this a lot with stories that try to be deep and complex, in the end they have a huge problem tying all the loose ends together so instead they make it open ended and leave the loose ends flopping in the tailwind of people leaving the theater unsatisfied.

But it seems like a low budget stretched until the very breaking point. They made a lot with whatever they had (I don't think it was that much by today's standards). It looks good and is very scary in parts. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes horror and I bet the director will be back with more, hopefully better, stuff. I'll definitely see what he comes up with.
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