Italian horror has definitely NOT returned!
10 July 2004
After reading a very favourable review in a very popular Horror review magazine (which i won't name), i had very high hopes for this film. My hopes faded very quickly when i saw that BRUNO MATTEI was credited under the pseudonym of PIERRE LE BLANC for the on screen titles. This is never a good sign. The film is shot on video and is a very cheap effort all round. The acting, if you can call it that, is lousy and laughable throughout. The main problem is the distinct lack of gore or sleaze. Come on guys where was the red stuff we crave in flicks like this? If this is the best Italian film makers can come up with then the Italian film industry is better off dead. This really is a waste of time and i feel i have just lost 90 minutes of my life watching it. Don't be fooled by the title into thinking this will be a sleaze fest - it is nothing more than an amateur bore fest. I am off now to watch a Fulci flick to remind myself just how good Italian films once were.
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