A wonderful fairytale romance
2 October 2004
I am a long-term fan of this movie. I love musicals anyway, but was totally blown away by 'The Slipper and the Rose'.

The score by the Sherman brothers is wonderful, particularly the Oscar-nominated 'He/She Danced with Me' and all of the cast cope well with the singing, despite most not being singers primarily. Gemma Craven's debut is an excellent one, as she manages to play the very well known character of Cinderella uniquely and with skill.

The movie is well directed by Bryan Forbes and excellently choreographed (Position and Positioning being a prime example), and this rounds out an overall wonderful cinematic experience.

Margaret Lockwood is a joy to watch as the venomous stepmother, but all of the British greats present (Edith Evans, Kenneth More, Michael Hordern, Annette Crosbie et al) add class and gravitas to the proceedings.

Well worth the effort!
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