People's of Earth UNITE...Danger is at hand
19 October 2004
Aliens, from the planet Paila, and Earthlings work together to prevent the Earth from being destroyed by a runaway planet, Planet R, from another galaxy in this early Japanese Sci-Fi movie released in 1956 with the American title "Warning from Space".

The Pairans who's planet Paila is on the other side of the sun and undetected from the eyes of earth's astronomers sends a fleet of space ships to earth to get the people of that planet to join with them to prevent the rogue planet R from slamming into earth and destroying not only earth but the entire solar system including the planet Paila. The Pairans looking like star fish with an eyeball on their stomachs have one of them Ginko, Toyomi Karita, morphs into the popular Japanese singer Hikari Aozora, and make contact with the earthlings on the dangers they they as well as the Pairans are facing.

At first the leaders of earth don't, as usual, take Ginko's warnings seriously. But when the planet begins to get closer to earth they finally do and muster all the nuclear weapons that the earth's superpowers have together to shoot into space and blast the streaking planet off course. The attempt fails miserably and as Planet R gets closer to earth it causes death and destruction by unleashing giant tidal waves and great changes in the weather. All seems lost until Ginko tells the earthlings that only Prof. Kamura can save them with his formula for the destructive super-nuclear element Duriun. Which earlier in the movie Ginko took from Prof. Kamura and destroyed because it was too dangerous for anyone, much less those on earth, to have.

Ginko tells the people of earth that with getting the formula for Duriun from Prof. Kamura and together with the Pairans advanced technology to militarize and deliver it to the Planet R in order to knock it off it's course it will save the solar system but there's just one hitch, were is Prof. Kamura?

You have to forgive the cheap special effects since the movie was made almost fifty years ago before the invention of computer enhanced photography but the story and the acting in the movie "Warning from Space" is much better then you would have expected. It's also interesting to note that the movie was made in Japan the only country that was ever nuked and the story was about using nuclear weapons for survival instead of destruction.
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