Well put together and shot film
22 October 2004
Obviously the other "reviewer" of this film and other films touching upon any subject related to England and its colonies (past and present) went in with an opinion already formed. If you check the other films this user has commented on, its all the same complaint that no one ever sticks up for the British. For those of you who are capable of making decisions without resorting to cheap emotional attacks, this is an interesting film and one you might consider. Make no mistake, there are no easy answers to these issues, but one would hope that as we are able avoid censoring other peoples' viewing habits by use of incendiary references to 9/11.

This film is widely respected and still shown across the country at times on cable. Regardless of your personal political beliefs, it is a very interesting story that transcends the specific location of its events. Issues of honor, family, sacrifice, conflict and ambiguity flow through this film and the impression I got was much more about the struggle to come to terms with an extremely difficult situation as opposed to anything about the factual situation. Any reference to 9/11 and "glamorizing terrorists" when talking about this film is both ridiculous and offensive. Not to mention that it ignores the vast majority of the story and the difficulty of the situation on all sides. Whether or not you agree with the factual depiction, this is a very well acted and well put together film that chronicles some of the pain and anguish of a particularly unpleasant period of time and does so beautifully through its storytelling.
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