Skip the politics...more Cynthia Nixon, please
9 November 2004
I admit it: I watched Tanner on Tanner for Cynthia Nixon. I'm male and an independent, right-leaning voter, but Tanner on Tanner was Nixon's series all along.

Politically, it had all the Demo-speak and the flashes of Garry Trudeau. Jack Tanner seemed a combination between deer-in-the-headlights and Clinton clone; TJ transformed from hard-working campaign manager to hardcore bitch in a short amount of time (bitter?) and the misadventures of Salim culminated in his vegetable curry being violated by a hard drive.

But every time Nixon's eyes teared up or her chin quivered, you knew that Trudeau and Robert Altman didn't play everything for laughs. The scene that struck me the most was Alex's admission that her Guatemalan husband was missing, and the tear trailing down her left cheek showed that even through all the bashing, glad-handling, and backstabbing, people still have deep emotions.

I don't agree with Trudeau's politics, but I enjoyed this series. Cynthia Nixon did a superb job in portraying Alex Tanner, and Trudeau should definitely consider taking Alex worldwide.
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