Malevolence (2003)
Incredibly Boring
22 November 2004
This was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. It was so boring that I had my car keys in hand, ready to leave 30 minutes into it. The people I was with thought it may get better so we stayed. It was a complete waste of time and money. The acting was horrible, the plot was predictable, and the music was so annoying. All these people who are comparing this movie to TCM, Halloween, and Psycho are complete idiots. This goes into the genre of Blairwitch: a movie that gives the horror genre a bad name.

Come on Stevan Mena, we have seen the masked killer and heard the lame music a million times all as an attempt to scare people. Get real. It is 2004. I think we are all beyond those infantile means of being scared. Do the genre and us a favor--- scrap the other 2 in this trilogy.
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