30 November 2004
First off, I have to say that my whole family loves this show and I said to everyone "This is a hit." I don't keep up with ratings or listen to critics so it was only recently that I learned it was "failing" in the ratings big time. Whoa. I was very surprised to learn that.

I think it's a great show and I think the reason it isn't doing well is because of the show's title. Pure and simple it's too long. Even I couldn't remember the name of the show and when I would look it up on the satellite TV listings I didn't know if I had the correct show or not. It's not a one word reality show like "Survivor" or "Apprentice" if you know what I mean, and that was a mistake.

Anyway, what a show!! I think Richard Branson is like a modern day Willy Wonka who's a bit twisted in how he's treating his "guests." He's got a crazed look in his eyes so I don't exactly like him yet. But I am compelled to watch just the same!! I don't particularly like the cast except for Sarah, but that doesn't matter. It's the STUNTS each person has to do that has my mouth drop open every time. The stuff Branson has these people do are OUTRAGEOUS and just plain crazy. Dangerous, too. And so I have to keep watching each week just to see what the next stunt is. So far I have NOT been disappointed.

I like the show's theme music and I always hold my breath to see who's being left behind when the plane leaves on the next adventure. I am sure if lame people would stop making comparisons to the Apprentice - another excellent show - people would see how good this show can be.

Fox, don't pull the plug on this show and leave us hanging like you did with your other reality show "Playing it Straight." You have the best reality shows but you treat your viewers like as if we don't know when we're being swindled.

I will forever remember this show.
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