A quality product from a most unexpected source
30 December 2004
As others have said, the Sci Fi Channel's original productions are, as a rule, just awful. Considering that it emerged from such a notorious crap factory, was a remake (which I usually frown upon on principle), and, further, was a remake of an incredibly cheesy (and, let's face it, awful) television series, I felt safe in skipping this one entirely, when it originally aired. I've rarely been happier to have egg on my face over such a rash snap decision than when I sat down and watched the new "Battlestar Galactica" tonight. Simply put, this is some of the best sci-fi television has produced in ages; complex, thought-provoking, fascinating on more levels than could easily be recounted in the limited space available here. The film is a credit to all who worked on it.

I suppose a few words are in order about the film's naysayers. Their tribe seems to be limited primarily to a bizarre breed of "fanboy" caricatures whose myriad complaints add up, at the end of the day, to a single one: The new BG isn't exactly like the old one. I think it's unfortunate that such obsessively narrow concerns have been allowed to throw even a hint of a shadow over the new film. I don't see most of the comparisons to the original series as particularly useful. The two are entirely different animals. The new BG is like Shakespeare to the original's Edward Wood; both have their charms, but, when it comes to the bottom line, it's fairly obvious where the serious talent lies.
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