Review of Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Superlative - Oscar Worthy - A Great Film
11 January 2005
It's the most engrossing and engaging film in many years. Based on facts about the Rwandan genocide of the early 1990s, this film is heroic, dramatic, historical and burning with searing truths.

Now the story comes out for anyone to understand, the history behind the enmity between the Hutus and Tutsis, the two distinct African tribes of Rwanda. The story is told through the action of Kigali's 5 star hotel manager and his family. It is deeply moving, touching and fortunately the film spares the viewer of most of the war, though there are a few scenes that bring home the horrific facts.

There is very little of overt war and killing, it is in the background but not in front of the viewer very much. The story is about one man's heroism in the face of extreme adversity. The relationship between the protagonist and his wife is beautiful and real. The acting is transparent, it is so incredibly good that I felt I was watching the real thing.

In the early 1990s the civil war in Rwanda was well publicized in the press and the genocide became a world tragedy. HOTEL RWANDA gives us unforgettable insight and it is a film worthy of Best Picture, no doubt in my mind.
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