Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
My Drug of Choice
12 January 2005
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is more than a TV show to me, it is a passion. Simply put I can see no reason for an intelligent person not to like BTVS. It is a show that was, along with all its characters, constantly evolving. Willow is a classic example of a character who transformed over the seasons from a shy nerd to a confident powerful witch. Not only did the main characters evolve but so did many of the smaller characters and villains which hardly any other shows do, and if so not as well. I try to watch a few episodes here and there when I have the time and when I do I am always happy to find that the shows quality does not diminish on repeat viewings, in some cases episodes get better and can be seen in a new perspective. Every season had a theme that connected to growing up, which were universal. Stand out episodes like Hush, The Body, and Once More With Feeling are benchmarks not just for BTVS but for modern television. Few TV shows can match the combination of Buffy's acting and writing, it is very apparent that these people truly cared about the show they were making. If your on this page odds are that you are a fan, a big fan, we are a dedicated bunch! If your thinking about starting to watch the show I have no reservations in recommending it but be warned that BTVS could become your new drug of choice, with series creator Joss Wheden acting as your dealer, and believe me he'll keep you coming back over and over again. Its doesn't get any better than Buffy, and never will.

BTVS 1997-2003: It Saved TV a lot
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