Review of Grayson

Grayson (2004)
Not quite in same league as BATMAN: DEAD END and WORLD'S FINEST
13 January 2005
Once again, a film maker risks a lawsuit by making a short film based off of comic book characters that he doesn't have the rights to. GRAYSON is another in the tradition of super-hero shorts like Sandy Collora's BATMAN: DEAD END and WORLD'S FINEST. John Fiorella directs and stars as Dick Grayson, the original Robin, Batman's sidekick. In this "trailer", Batman has been taken down in the line of duty. A long retired Grayson returns to his crime-fighting ways to avenge his mentor's death. Other DC Comic heroes (Superman, Batgirl, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern) make quick appearances as do Batman villains Joker, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler. One wonders why Grayson wouldn't come back as Nightwing, his current identity instead of going back to the role that he considered merely the second half of "Batman and . . . ". GRAYSON does have the look of a professionally done "trailer" that would probably make a good feature-length film. However, it just doesn't quite have the touch that Collora showed in his shorts. I will say this: Fiorella has the chops, now if he can just really learn to master the instruments, he'll be good. Really, REALLY good.
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